“The logic of environmentalism” – a letter

Here’s another interesting letter from Adam Clarke which we would like to share:

Why are there conservative organisations that support anti-environmentalism?

Some of the conservative criticism against Greta Thunberg is fair: she is definitely an alarmist. But that doesn’t change the fact that her underlying ideas are logical.

Specifically, human beings cannot be separated from the natural environment. Human beings depend on the security of the natural environment. It doesn’t seem logical for any conservative to go against these ideas. Every conservative should want to protect the global natural environment.

On a local level, every conservative should seek to protect the rivers, lakes, and forests of the UK. Our rivers, lakes, and forests are sacred.

Anti-environmentalism seems outdated, so why do some conservative organisations keep pursuing this?

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Cream for me, crumbs for thee


“Western culture is downstream from capitalism” – a letter