Immigration – the wave they have no intention of stopping

In 2022, gross figures show that a Cardiff's worth (c.350,000) of Indians arrived, a Portsmouth's worth (c.200,000) of Ukrainians, and a Peterborough's worth of Nigerians (c.180,000).

We can all breathe a sigh of relief: instead of over one million new souls entering the country over 2022, it was a mere 606,000. In fact, the latter figure is net: the gross figure stands at over 1.2 million anyway.

That 606,000 number is more than the population of Sheffield (560,000). Because the government has not built a Sheffield’s worth of infrastructure to cover the needs caused by this influx, it can only mean that our quality of life will have worsened concomitantly.

As noted, the figure of 606,000 is net. The gross figures broken down are far more shocking. In 2022 a Cardiff's worth (c.350,000) of Indians arrived, a Portsmouth's worth (c.200,000) of Ukrainians, and a Peterborough's worth of Nigerians (c.180,000). Almost another c.400,000 of 'other' made their way to our shores. That is not to mention the various other nations that make their way into the top ten - including China, Pakistan and Zimbabwe.

But still, that much touted one million. The expectation setting by Westminster was of the most despicable and predictable kind: get the public to fear the figure of one million and let them feel grateful when the real net sum falls short. That it is many times higher than at any point in our entire island’s history is neither here nor there to the myopic managerial class.

Undoubtedly this is because they want the charade to continue. A disastrous economic model of simply increasing the workforce instead of productivity (hey presto! ‘Economic growth’!) has led to an addiction to cheap labour, combined with a complete disincentive to invest in training workers here. Much better to pinch nurses from the third world than invest the time and money in coaching our own.

In addition, because Great Britain must, for some reason, become a safe haven whenever the proverbial hits the geopolitical fan, together with the bizarre rights students have had in bringing their relatives with them while studying here, the numbers were only ever going to grow.

Whenever politicians speak about immigration they sound as if they have been caught by surprise. ‘This is unacceptable! It must change!’ they declare, as if having only just that moment found out about the demographic-altering rates of people entering the nation. They merely hope we forget that they have lied to us for decades while maintaining not the slightest intention of doing a damned thing about it.

After all, chances for Great Britain to finally solve its fetish for immigration were squandered. Brexit – which momentarily calmed the electorate’s fears, thinking that we would ‘take back control’ – simply permitted the wettest dreams of the globalist class to come true, with the door flung wide open and the welcome mat thrown down.

Nor was an ounce of backbone shown in response to the daily flotilla of illegal migrants across the Channel. Hotels across the land are still filled with the illegally arrived, paid for by the taxpayer.

There is no doubt that, come the next election, both parties will claim to be the ones who will put an end to this accelerating death of the nation. They won’t, of course, because they do not believe in the existence of the nation in the first place.

The United Kingdrom, to them, is merely a geographical designation with an accompanying balance sheet. Its soul, its peoples and its history are as irrelevant to them as would be to a Martian. Little wonder, then, that the country grows less recognisable by the day.

When the time comes, do not believe the lies of the blue or red rosetted ones. Great Britain as-was has surely departed for good. But what remains of its future cannot be entrusted into the hands of those who have shown themselves so willing to unleash such grand experiments on such an unwilling and unasked populace.

Frederick Edward

Frederick Edward is from the Midlands. You can visit his Substack here.


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