And So, Be Still - a poem by S D Wickett

And So, Be Still is a poem written by Bournbrook’s S D Wickett, and can be read below. For more of his poems, follow him on his Instagram account @songsofafoggedmind_ and Twitter account @essdeewickett.

And So, Be Still

And so, go on my star that shone;

So bright, unfurled, unhindered thus.

And so, be gone, that part of me;

Who danced upon the canopy.

When I was young and all the world,

Was just a field to run along

And so, my love; that crooked thing,

The true source of all suffering,

Be still today, tomorrow too.

And yet, besiege me black and blue;

With green and red, for without love

I'd lose my head, and then find peace

in all once said;

No sacrifice, no wretched will,

Upon the dying hill.

And so, be still,

old heart of mine;

Be still, be still, be still.

S D Wickett

Bournbrook’s Digital Editor.

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